Week 7 Reflection: The Weird Teacher


I think I may have found my new favorite teacher blog. Mr. Robertson calls himself “the weird teacher” and his blue hair is just an outward example of his uniqueness. I love his voice in his writing and the innovative ideas he has for education. One blog post in particular discusses his experiment with seating arrangements. He offered his students three choices, and they could make their choices individually rather than as a class decision. Their choices were as follows:

A.  Stay the same

B. Raise their desk so they are almost always standing up with a chair for rests

C. Lower their desk and use a pillow on the floor as a seat.

I enjoyed reading about his idea and his thought-process throughout the experiment. I read the follow up post about how it all worked out; it was cool to see how intentional all of Mr. Robertson’s choices were and how much freedom he gave his students despite their typical poor behavior.



He has a book that I’m actually considering buying because I find him to be such a breath of fresh air. It’s reassuring to know that you can still be a great teacher while being your own goofy self.

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